Terms of service

General Terms and Conditions

   1. Rights Reserved:

Raunita Dickerson, Owner and operator of Lotus Obsidia Draelik LLC and artist of Tumbleweedillustrations.com, hereby reserves the right to deny service to anyone for any reason. Xenophobic Bigotry such as anti-blackness and anti-Palestinian sentiment will not be tolerated.


2.      Agreements and Responsibilities

i.                 Artist Agreements Responsibilities:

a.      In accordance with their local laws , The Artist (Lotus Obsidia Draelik LLC) agrees to do their due diligence to only create projects with clientele of legal consenting age and sound mind to both allow ease of process and prevent fraud/legal hardships for any potential parties involved. 

b.      The Artist (Lotus Obsidia Draelik LLC) agrees to do their due diligence in contacting and maintaining said contact with the client at the start and through the completion of the project.

c.      The Artist agrees to keep the client up-to-date on the status of the project as it is and up to its completion to satisfaction.


ii.                Client Agreements

In contracting a project with the work of Lotus Obsidia Draelik LLC,:

 a.      The Client agrees they are fully responsible for their financial health and that the purchase made from Lotus Obsidia Draelik LLC would not bring undue financial strife.

b.      The Client agrees that they have researched the artist’s previous works to ensure they are a fit for what they are looking for.

c.      The Client agrees that they have the necessary reference images for their project to be completed the first time appropriately.

d.      The Client agrees to do their due diligence to remain in contact with the artist during the duration of their commissioned work’s completion.

e.      The Client agrees to do their due diligence to make the Artist aware of any deadlines that the client may need to have the project completed within BEFORE discussing further details of the project beyond estimated time of completion.

f.       The Client agrees to the following limitations regarding the project(s):

1.      No reselling the project to another entity/person

2.      No getting another Artist alter or modify the project via medium or appearance without the expressed permission of the original artist.

3.      No presenting the project without proper credit.


3.      Services and Products

A short list of the services and products sold/provided by Lotus Obsidia Draelik LLC on Tumbleweedillustrations.com and a few other websites/social media websites.


i.                 Lotus Obsidia Draelik LLC provides the following services:

Custom Character Illustrations/graphics, Prose/Poetry, Merchandise featuring artwork from Lotus Obsidia Draelik LLC (via Printful.com) and entertainment (via Tarot card/Rune readings, Commentary artwork), and video game highlight videos.


4.      Artist Merchandise Details and Liabilities

Further details regarding merchandise sold on the website https://www.Tumbleweedillustrations.com(Lotus Obsidia Draelik LLC).


i.                 Merchandise Details:

The material products provided by the Artist are created by Printful (Printful.com) All orders of Merchandise are paid to Prinful.com and they accept the shipping information, etc,. The Artist, Lotus Obsidia Draelik LLC only provides the graphics on the products, and the choice of product for sale, nothing more.


ii.                Liabilities:

The Artist (Lotus Obsidia Draelik LLC) cannot take responsibility for problems involving the company through which the products are made (I.E. a shortage of color variation in a product), or shipments being lost/damaged in shipping.


The Artist will do all they can (within reason) to both contact Printful (and inform about the error) and replace the lost product or give a discount for a project of equivalent value (should there be no means to replace the order).


5.      Freelance Project(s)

Further details regarding policy involving commissioned works/projects.


i.                 Freelance Project Details

a.      Project Types:

The types of Projects Lotus Obsidia Draelik LLC is a specialist in is Character illustration/Digital art, Custom Graphic novel images, and Animated GIF images to name the main projects they function in.


b.      Project Estimated Time for Completion:

Generally, still images featuring a single character range in ETC (Estimated Time of Completion) of within 72 hours of receiving the order while Animated GIFs, Comic images and Images with multiple characters may multiply the time spent on the project.

A good rule of thumb is that if you want it done in under a week, have less than 5 characters visible in the image. If you have chosen an animated GIF or a Comic, expect at least a week and a half.


c.      Artist Work Hours

The Artist is also a Parent and so they have had to regulate their time to give space to handle their job in life and in business.

The hours of Operation for Lotus Obsidia Draelik are as follows:

Sunday (4-6pm)

Monday,Tuesday (Closed)

Wednesday (3-6pm)

Thursday (9-10AM, 3-5pm)

Friday-Saturday (Closed)


d.      Project Topics/Subjects that will Get an Automatic Rejection

Any of the following topics requested for a project will result in the Artist refusing service on the grounds of principle and awareness of their responsibilities as an Artist:

*Politically charged Anti-human Imagery (I won’t draw for Nazis. Sorry, not sorry.)

*Copyrighted characters/Creatures

*Extreme Sexual Fetish Imagery(Including but not limited to inflation, scat, watersports, etc,.)

*Abusive Imagery Including but not limited to exploitative imagery of the vulnerable (I.E. Beastiality, Child Sexual Abuse, etc., I won’t draw for predatory abusers either.)


ii.                Freelance Project Pricing:

The ‘what’, ‘why’ and on the prices for my artwork.

 a.      Prices on Main website vs on Ko-fi.com:

“Why are the prices different between your website vs your Ko-fi website?”

Mainly Marketing.

For the longest time, I have gone with lowered prices to try and help folks with giving more access, but I think it may be time to start limiting that access.

The Pricing on Tumbleweedillustrations.com is set to industry standards while my ko-fi website will have prices more suitable for the average citizen.


iii.               Freelance Project Payment Details:

The ways in which Lotus Obsidia Draelik LLC prefers to be paid.

 That’ll be Online via Paypal, CashApp( via direct messaging/emails)

and/or Credit Card (via Stripe).


iv.               Freelance Project Refund Policy

As mentioned above in the Agreements Section 2. i.c., the Artist agrees to work to meet the client’s satisfaction. Should that said satisfaction be impossible to obtain, the Artist will refund the cost of the project, however if the client is revealed to be a bad actor attempting to abuse the Artist, the Artist will give no refund and refuse further contact with that person upon presentation of said behavior alongside evidence that proves the said claims and notice of refusing further contact.


v.                Freelance Project Rights and Uses

Rights of the parties involved in the creation of any projects

with the artist of Lotus Obsidia Draelik LLC.


[These terms will only be adjusted and refined as time goes on. These are the current

terms of service as of the 23rd of February, 2024.]